This technology is an integrated silicon photonic band interleaver for the optimization of spectral sensing throughput for data communication applications using on chip wavelength division multiplexing.
Emerging silicon photonic link designs aim to attain remarkable bandwidth density and energy efficiency levels. Nevertheless, the overall bandwidth of carriers faces limitations imposed by the free spectral range, and integrating photonic components with conventional integrated circuit electronics systems continues to present a significant challenge.
This technology is an integrated silicon photonic device based on a ring-assisted Mach Zehnder Interferometer. It can interleave bands of the optical spectrum to multiplex or demultiplex content with thermally and optically tunable pass and stop bands. The technology also displays a high free spectral range (FSR) with a sharp roll-off allowing it to greatly increase the effectiveness of spectral sensing and analysis.
Patent Pending
IR CU23236
Licensing Contact: Greg Maskel