Columbia Technology Ventures

Interactive Functional Assessment Staging Navigator (I-FASTN) for understanding stages of dementia

This technology is an interactive tool for conveying the different functional stages of dementia to caregivers.

Unmet Need: Simple and straightforward educational material on the stages of dementia

Dementia is a complex condition which progresses through many different stages. For caregivers of those with dementia, understanding these different stages is critical to allow for appropriate assistance for the patient. However, the information is often provided in the form of dense text, making comprehension difficult, particularly for those with limited literacy.

The Technology: Interactive informational tool for explaining stages of dementia

This technology is a web-based application which provides information on the functional stages of dementia to caregivers. Providing information in the form of infographics rather than text has been previously shown to increase understanding of the health status of the patient by the caregiver. This technology builds on this concept and allows the caregiver to engage with the information in a way that is tailored to the status of the patient. Therefore, it can help caregivers recognize early signs of dementia, monitor progression, and provide optimal care.


  • Educational tool for understanding the stages of dementia
  • Provide reminders for the caretaker as appropriate for a specific stage of dementia
  • Accurate society-wide surveys of the prevalence of different stages of dementia
  • Can aid non-medical professionals in recognizing early signs of dementia, facilitating earlier diagnosis
  • Assist medical professionals in educating caregivers on the different stages of dementia


  • Information tailored to patient stage
  • Interactive, infographic format for ease of comprehension
  • Web-based application that is compatible with various media devices
  • Is provided in both English and Spanish

Lead Inventor:

Suzanne Bakken, Ph.D., R.N., F.A.A.N., F.A.C.M.I.

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