Columbia Technology Ventures

Magnetic Resonance Spectrum Simulator - MARSS

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This technology, Magnetic Resonance Spectrum Simulator (MARSS), is a software package that is able to efficiently calculate the spectra from nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) experiments.

Unmet Need: A tool for quickly and accurately predicting magnetic resonance spectra

MRS and NMR are invaluable tools in clinical diagnostics, as well as chemical, physical, biological, and medical research. Accurately simulating predicted magnetic resonance spectra is a vital part of such experiments, both for optimizing parameters and for quantifying collected data. Current software packages are either written in outdated and cumbersome code or suffer from computational inefficiencies, resulting in long processing times.

The Technology: Computationally efficient software package for calculating NMR and MRS spectra

This technology is a software package for simulating magnetic resonance spectra. Written in MATLAB, it employs modern conventions and computational techniques to efficiently generate basis sets for calculating spectra. The package offers significant speed and accuracy improvements, performing at least 10 to 100 times faster than the benchmark software, and can be used to simulate spectral shapes for quantification or for optimizing experimental parameters before the experiment takes place.

This technology has been successfully used for quantification and optimization studies.


  • Optimization of MRS/NMR experiments
  • Prediction of MRS/NMR spectra
  • Quantification of MRS/NMR spectra with simulated spectral shapes


  • 10-100x faster than competing products
  • Can greatly reduce the time needed for the optimization of experiments
  • High degree of accuracy

  • Written in MATLAB
  • Makes use of arbitrary experiment parameters (number/type of pulses, timings, gradients)

Lead Inventor:

Christoph Juchem, Ph.D.

Tech Ventures Reference:

IR CU19215

Licensing Contact: Joan Martinez