This technology is a medicine case with optically magnifying storage pouches to improve medication adherence and safety among visually impaired people.
Adhering to medication regimens can be challenging for patients recovering from ophthalmic surgeries and people with reduced vision, as they often have difficulties reading labels and identifying pills. Hazardous medication errors resulting in adverse health effects and hospitalizations may be avoided by assistive devices that facilitate the organization and identification of medications.
This technology is a medication case designed to help patients with low vision access the correct medications. The flaps of this zippered case are equipped with transparent pouches of different sizes that optically magnify their contents, facilitating the identification of medical supplies. Additionally, the case can be cooled with an ice pack and is equipped with a fold-out tray for convenient use at work or while traveling. As such, this technology has the potential to improve medication adherence and reduce hazardous errors for patients with impaired vision.
Debbie Caruth
IR CU18245
Licensing Contact: Joan Martinez