Normal tissue function requires appropriate cell positioning and directional motion. This property, known as chirality, can be altered by genetic and environmental factors, leading to, for example, tumor formation and birth defects. Thus, the analysis of cell chirality can reveal the presence of genetic changes or disease. This technology is an in vitro platform for automated analysis of cell directionality and chirality. This assay determines cell chirality based on phase contrast images of cells grown on a micro-patterned surface and has been successfully used to distinguish between normal and cancerous cell cultures. This technology has potential applications ranging from early diagnosis of prenatal and developmental disorders to screening tools for drug discovery.
While there exist methods for determining cell alignment, no programs for direct, unbiased analysis of cell chirality are currently available. In this technology, cells are cultured on micropatterned surfaces and the direction and migration patterns of cell growth are observed, as these qualities are influenced by disease state and drug intervention, and are therefore indicative of cell state. A conventional phase contrast microscope is used to image the cells and automated, unbiased analysis of cellular patterns is accomplished through the use of a custom computer algorithm.
In vitro cultures of multiple cell lines, both diseased and normal, have been analyzed and shown to be compatible with this technology.
Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic, Ph.D.
Patent Pending (US 20150004643)
Tech Ventures Reference: IR 2869, IR 2959