This technology is a microfluidic device that enables a reaction sample to flow in a co-flowing concentric buffer, resulting in a narrow distribution of reaction times for time-resolved cryo-electron microscopy (TR cryo-EM).
Current methods to observe extremely fast molecular reaction times include time-resolved cryo-EM. In a cryo-EM setup, sample preparation devices have been developed using microfluidic channels that are able to rapidly mix reaction components under continuous flow. However, these channels have a parabolic velocity profile, which results in dispersed reaction time ranges in time-resolved cryo-EM sample preparation, reducing the temporal accuracy of the TR method.
This microfluidic device allows for the reaction elements to flow within a co-flowing concentric buffer, thereby sharpening the distribution of the reaction times in the reaction channel prior to micro-spraying and plunging. The concentric buffer absorbs the steepest portion of the parabolic velocity profile within the microfluidic reaction channel. This technology has been validated with calculations and simulations, and the device is currently being 3D printed for testing.
IR CU21075
Licensing Contact: Kristin Neuman