This technology is a four-parameter model that can characterize overpotentials, which lead to a loss of energy as heat, in lithium-ion batteries.
Battery overpotentials can result in energy being lost as heat, causing inefficiency. Current resistor-capacitor pair battery models are not highly accurate and cannot model diffusion dynamics. Accurate models for characterizing battery overpotentials would allow for measuring the maximum output capabilities of cell, resulting in improved battery monitoring and management.
This technology is a lithium-ion battery model for ohmic, charge transfer, and diffusion overpotentials. The model is composed of four parameters using battery voltage, current, and an optimization algorithm. Diffusion dynamics are derived from a receding-horizon diffusion model (RHD) using discrete-time state-space approximations. The model can help monitor cell internal parameters and determine maximum power output capabilities of a cell.
Patent Pending
IR CU23073, CU23074
Licensing Contact: Greg Maskel