This technology is a direct air capture (DAC) system which uses alkaline sorbent material and moisture to capture and desorb CO2, respectively, for carbon capture and storage (CCS) and to mitigate climate change.
Direct air capture (DAC) of CO2 is used to reduce the carbon footprint, but current methods in DAC are energy intensive and expensive. Desorption of CO2 from DAC systems requires energy to heat systems above 900ºC and can cost up to $400/ton of captured CO2. One solution is to change the sorbent material of DAC systems that requires less energy for desorption, such as amine solution; however, high maintenance costs can occur for this corrosive substance. There is a need for a DAC system that is efficient and low-cost in CO2 desorption.
This technology is a DAC system that uses alkaline sorbent material for CO2 capture and mild heat, between 120 to 200ºC, and slight humidity for CO2 desorption for CCS. The alkaline material and mild heat are less energy intensive than current DAC systems, which reduces costs and are more environmentally friendly. Desorption of CO2 using moisture allows for high-throughput as the rate at which desorption occurs is nearly equal to the rate of adsorption. Additionally, this technology is capable of capturing CO2 from at approximately 400 ppm. This technology will be more effective, use less energy, and reduce costs to not only capture and desorb CO2, but also to help reduce human-made climate change.
Patent Pending
IR CU23331
Licensing Contact: Dovina Qu