Columbia Technology Ventures

Mouse line with T cell-specific deletion of Blimp-1

This technology is a mouse line in which B Lymphocyte Induced Maturation Protein-1 (Blimp-1) has been specifically deleted from T cells.

Unmet Need: In vivo model to assess Blimp-1 function

The critical role of B Lymphocyte Induced Maturation Protein-1 (Blimp-1) in the development pathway of B lymphocytes to plasma cells is well established. However, recent studies have shown that Blimp-1 also has a role in cells of the myeloid lineage, such as monocytes, granulocytes, and macrophages. To study these functions in vivo, it is necessary to specifically delete Blimp-1 in cells outside of the myeloid lineage, but currently no such model exists.

The Technology: Mouse line to identify Blimp-1 functions in myeloid lineage cells

This technology is a mouse line that has a T cell-specific deletion of Blimp-1. As a result, the function of Blimp-1 in non-T cells, including myeloid lineage cells, can be identified in vivo. As such, this mouse line provides an in vivo model to assess mechanisms of macrophage differentiation and function and may also be used to study the differentiation and function of other myeloid lineage cells.


  • In vivo model for Blimp-1 function in non-T cells
  • Screening of drugs affecting Blimp-1
  • In vitro assays for high-throughput analysis using ex vivo samples from the mice
  • Additional mutations can be added to this mouse line for further mechanistic or disease studies


  • Selective depletion of Blimp-1 in T cells ensures that any effects or mechanisms observed are specific
  • Simple to use as the gene is fully knocked-out and not conditional
  • Enables high-throughput ex vivo sample-based studies
  • Can be crossed with other strains for assessing combinatorial effects of genes

Lead Inventor:

Kathryn Calame, Ph.D.

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