Lead Inventor:
Franklin Costantini, Ph.D.
Mouse Models Needed to Validate Modeled Genotype and Study Cell Lineage
In biomedical research, transgenic mouse models are utilized to provide a test subject as a substitute of human test subjects. These mouse models are designed by altering a gene of interest in a mouse's genome to induce or repress genetic expression. This technology has been around since the 1980s, with many significant lines of transgenic and knockout mice being developed every year. However, these mouse models need to be extensively investigated to validate that the desired modeled genotype was produced and the desired phenotype is being expressed. To gain a greater understanding development and cell lineage, there is a need for new model systems that allow the study of cell lineage with selective, controlled expression.
Transgenic Mice that allow for Spatiotemporal and Lineage-Specific Gene Expression
The lead inventor has generated a line of transgenic mice that allows for spatiotemporal and lineage-specific gene expression. An rtTA gene is preceded by a loxP-flanked STOP sequence, so tissue-specific Cre expression will remove the STOP sequence and allow for rtTA expression. When this mouse is crossed with a mouse bearing a target gene preceded by a tetracycline response element, doxycycline treatment will induce tissue- and temporally-specific expression of the target gene.
• The study of transgenes at specific periods of organism development.
• The control of expression of such transgenes at specific moments of time.
• The control of expression of such transgenes at specific tissue locations.
• The direction of transegene activation in specific Cre-expressing tissues.
• Developed and validated mouse model for spatiotemporal and lineage-specific gene expression.
Patent Status: Copyright
Licensing Status: Copyright, Available for Express Licensing & Sponsored Research Support
Costantini et. al. PNAS 2005 102
Express Licensing: