Columbia Technology Ventures

Mouse model for studying cholecystokinin type A receptor

This technology is an engineered mouse model that expresses Cre-recombinase under the control of cholecystokinin type A receptor (CCKAR) regulatory sequences for studying CCKAR in various disease states.

Unmet Need: Animal model for precisely assessing CCKAR behavior and targets

Cholecystokinin (CCK) is a neuropeptide hormone involved in regulating digestive functions. The CCK type A receptor (CCKAR) is responsible for binding CCK and transducing its effects in regulating satiety, food intake and gut motility. Currently available mouse models are limited to those that knockout CCK or CCKAR, or have GFP or Cre recombinase reporters under the regulation of CCK. No such model has been developed for specifically studying CCKAR activity, which could be a potential target for treating diabetes, obesity, and irritable bowel syndrome.

The Technology: Mouse model for uniquely studying CCKAR activity via Cre-recombinase expression

This mouse model is engineered to express Cre recombinase under control of the CCKAR promoter. A Cre-expressing DNA sequence is synthesized and inserted downstream of the CCKAR start codon to create a bacterial construct that expresses CCKAR-Cre. The construct is then injected into mouse embryos to develop the mouse line. This technology allows for the generation of a variety of preclinical models to study CCKAR activity and its role in numerous disease states.


  • Research tool for studying CCKAR biology
  • Research model for diabetes, obesity, and irritable bowel syndrome
  • Drug screening tool for identifying therapeutic targets in the CCKAR pathway
  • Gene therapy for digestive disorders


  • Uses standard genetic technologies for creating the mouse model
  • Expresses Cre recombinase specifically in CCKAR-positive cells
  • Does not require knocking out CCKAR

Lead Inventor:

Charles Zuker, Ph.D.

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