This technology describes an Amigo2-Cre BAC animal model for evaluation of the synaptic connections and role of the CA2 region in the hippocampus.
The hippocampus has been extensively studied over the years, with its roles in declarative memory, which includes memory of places, people, events, and facts, well defined. However, the role of CA2, a small area interposed between CA1 and CA3, has remained obscure. There are no current preclinical models that enable direct study of this region.
This technology is a mouse model that allows the study of CA2. This mouse model is engineered to express Cre recombinase predominantly in CA2 pyramidal neurons in adult mice. The specific cortical inputs to the CA2 region can be mapped in this animal model and their function studied. These animals don’t show any changes in locomotor activity or anxiety-like behavior. The Amigo2-Cre BAC animals present a severe deficit in social memory, with no change in sociability or several other hippocampus-dependent behaviors, including spatial and contextual memory.
IR CU23371
Licensing Contact: Jerry Kokoshka