This technology is a multiple antenna array for improved sensitivity and range for backscatter communications.
Current methods for backscattering communications and data transmissions involve transmission of a signal from a transceiver to a single antenna backscatter tag that reflects the signal in all directions. This multi-directional reflecting results in significant loss of signal, limiting the working range and sensitivity or data rate of the communication. Short working range and decreased sensitivity limits the applicability of backscatter modulation.
This technology uses a multi-antenna tag to backscatter the signal of interest in a directional manner towards the transceiver. It can use any size N x N antenna array to detect the direction of arrival of the signal. The array can then backscatter a uni-directional beam to the transceiver for improved directional backscatter communication.
This technology has been validated using a 3x3 array which delivered a 19dB sensitivity enhancement and tripled the range of communication when compared to standard backscatter communications with a single antenna tag.
IR CU18289
Licensing Contact: Greg Maskel