Columbia Technology Ventures

Multifunctional robotic walking assistant

This technology is a smart modular mobile assistant platform that provides active support for patients with movement disabilities.

Unmet Need: Safe and versatile walking support devices for the elderly

Millions of individuals in the US have mobility limitations and use assistive devices. Unfortunately, conventional walking aids are unsafe, as thousands of users have reported falls while using them. As a consequence, users, especially elderly ones, have to rely on human caregivers for mobility. There is a need for walking aids that can support individuals with physical and cognitive decline by providing balance assistance and intelligent supervision to prevent falls and enable independent living.

The Technology: Intelligent wheeled walking aid for rehabilitation and safety monitoring

This technology is a wheeled robotic walking assistant for patients with movement disabilities. The intelligent mobility device can be configured to suit individual needs and provides an interactive computer interface to communicate with the user for increased self-sufficiency. The programmable device may be networked with other walking assistants and personnel in a facility, making it optimal for rehabilitation and senior care purposes. Built-in sensors monitor user position and intelligent footwear is also included for capturing pressure and acceleration data. By providing active support, this intelligent walking companion prevents falls and greatly increases the independence of patients living with disabilities.


  • Robotic walking assistant
  • Balance training and assistance platform
  • Rehabilitation training device
  • Gait assessment
  • Monitoring and alert system for senior care and rehabilitation facilities
  • Rehabilitation research tool for studies on dementia and disabilities


  • Intelligent, interactive user support with visual feedback
  • Programmable for rehabilitation training purposes
  • Improved safety and fall prevention due to active monitoring and timely alerts
  • Versatile and multifunctional due to the modular design
  • Customizable according to patient’s needs
  • Improves self-sufficiency
  • Can be networked with other walking assistants and caregiving facilities
  • Active monitoring and alerts optimize caregivers’ time and effort

Lead Inventor:

Sunil K. Agrawal, Ph.D.

Patent Information:

Patent Status

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