Lead Inventor: Franklin D. Costantini, Ph.D.
Functional Significance of the Protein-Binding Domains of Axin
The Wnt signaling pathway plays an important role in embryogenesis. Axin is a negative regulator with a number of domains that interact with several proteins, some of which are known to be involved in Wnt signaling. Although loss of Axin is known to result in embryonic lethality, the functional significance of many of the protein-binding domains of Axin remains unclear.
Mutant Mouse with Modified Axin Gene Demonstrates this Domain is Indispensable to Normal Embryogenesis
The technology is a mutant mouse with a modified Axin gene in which the 6 C-terminal amino acids (KVEKVD) have been deleted. This mutation results in recessive embryonic lethality, thereby demonstrating that this domain is indispensable to normal embryogenesis.
• The technology can be used to study the developmental role of Axin.
• The technology can be used to study diseases affected by the Wnt signaling pathway.
• Previous studies of Axin analyzed the regulatory and embryogenetic effects of overexpression of mutant forms of Axin in the presence of endogenous wild-type Axin; this technology enables an assessment of the importance of different protein-binding domains of Axin.
Patent Status: Copyright/Material
Licensing Status: Available for Sponsored Research Support
Both the RGS Domain and the Six C-Terminal Amino Acids of Mouse Axin are Required for Normal Embryogenesis, I.V. Chia, M.J. Kim, K. Itoh, S.Y. Sokol, and F. Costantini, Genetics, Vol. 181, No. 4, Apr. 2009, pp. 1349-1368.
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