Columbia Technology Ventures

Natural botanical formula for surface disinfectants and preservatives

This technology is an antimicrobial formula derived from botanical ingredients that can safely be used in surface disinfectant solutions and as preservatives.

Unmet Need: Safe, nontoxic antimicrobial solutions

Synthetic antimicrobial agents have important uses in disinfectant solutions, as well as in preservatives for foods, cosmetics, and medications. However, existing chemical formulas have varying levels of toxicity for humans that can lead to adverse health effects, or other unpleasant side effects such as odors and product deterioration. These pitfalls in current antimicrobial agents drive a growing need for fast acting, effective, natural, stable and non-toxic compositions capable of sanitizing surfaces and preventing bacterial, viral and fungal growth. Such solutions would ideally limit irritation while simultaneously providing rapid activity compared to existing products.

The Technology: Botanical-based antimicrobial formula using synergistic combination of natural ingredients, fruit acids and plant based solvents

This technology is a primarily botanical-based that takes advantage of the synergistic antimicrobial effects of essential oils and other plant-derived compounds. This botanical formula has low toxicity, making it safe for use in surface disinfectants and preservatives for foods and beverages, cosmetics. Furthermore, the formula is low-cost and has equivalent or higher antimicrobial efficacy compared against standard synthetic agents.


  • Surface disinfectants
  • Preservatives for foods and beverages
  • Preservatives for cosmetics


  • Low-cost formula
  • Less toxic than conventional products
  • Equivalent or higher antimicrobial efficacy than chemical formulations

Lead Inventor:

Shanta Modak, Ph.D.

Patent Information:

Patent Pending (WO/2022/006507)

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