This technology is a non-reciprocal acoustic filter that uses parametric amplification to enhance an isolated frequency.
Millimeter-wave technologies in integrated circuits provide consumers with wide channel bandwidths and shorter-range wireless area personal networks. As such, non-reciprocal components in millimeter wave technologies are poised to provide higher data transmission rates with their predicted full-duplex capabilities. However, current methods to implement non-reciprocal components are lacking because the standard electronic components are composed of bulky ferrites and are often incompatible with silicon integrated circuit technologies. There are currently no platforms that enable bidirectional, full-duplex data transmission that is also compatible with silicon integrated circuit technologies.
This technology is an integrated circuit-based non-reciprocal acoustic filter. The acoustic filter uses parametric amplification to isolate a single frequency and reduces power consumption by using one external source to achieve non-reciprocity. Additionally, this technology reduces filter loss by providing gain and minimizes mismatch at the circulator-antenna interface. Overall, this technology can potentially improve overall performances in next-generation full-duplex systems, such as high-data-rate wireless communication and MRI full-duplex technology.
Patent Pending
IR CU20158
Licensing Contact: Greg Maskel