This technology employs an optically-integrated catheter to directly assess lesion formation in cardiac tissue during radiofrequency ablation (RFA) therapy.
RFA therapy treats cardiac irregularities by creating non-conducting lesions within the problematic heart tissue to disrupt aberrant electrical signals. However, current RFA treatments are unable to provide sufficient real-time feedback on the extent or sufficiency of tissue ablation, causing decreased long-term efficacy of treatment. Additional RFA treatments are often required to fully treat these irregularities and restore proper cardiac function.
This technology is an optically-integrated catheter that is capable of directly assessing lesion formation during RFA therapy. This technology employs an RFA catheter that ablates cardiac tissue while concurrently measuring the concentrations of myoglobin-based proteins using diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. As these myoglobin-based proteins are known to accumulate in damaged or necrotic tissue, measuring their concentration during ablation enables real-time and continuous assessment of the extent and quality of lesion formation.
This technology has been used to characterize lesion ablation in ex-vivo human atrial tissue samples.
IR CU16008
Licensing Contact: Dovina Qu