Columbia Technology Ventures

Partial downloading improves speed and efficiency of cloud computing

Cloud computing allows for high volume storage and flexible access over wireless networks. However, current algorithms require all data to be fully downloaded in one access event. This is limiting because wireless bandwidth is sometimes insufficient and full-downloading is not power efficient. This technology is a scheme that permits partial downloading and full reconstruction of data in distributed networks. This technology optimizes power and bandwidth management to increase the efficiency of cloud computing networks with many users and highly limited bandwidth.

Special algorithms and custom regenerating codes determine when and how much data is downloaded, improving network efficiency

Existing schemes require all symbols from each data node of a distributed network to be downloaded in one access event. This technology utilizes custom-designed regeneration codes and cross-layer wireless resource allocation to reliably and efficiently download a subset of symbols from many storage nodes and reconstruct the full data set. Special algorithms determine an optimal order to access data from the various nodes. This reduces the complexity of resource allocation on wireless networks increasing power and bandwidth efficiency while improving download speed and reliability. This technology may improve access to wireless distributed networks by mobile devices, sensor networks, and other low-power equipment.

The improved efficiency of the technology has been demonstrated using numerical simulations.

Lead Inventor:

Xiaodong Wang, Ph.D.


  • Low power sensor networks for weather, environmental, public health and safety, etc.
  • Biosensors and lab-on-a-chip systems for clinical diagnostics, drug delivery, and patient monitoring
  • Ultra-fast wireless cloud storage network
  • Urban broadband networks
  • Improve network reliability in under-developed, under-served regions


  • Maximizes utilization of available bandwidth
  • Improves access to and reliability of wireless distributed networks
  • Increases network speeds and power efficiency

Patent Information:

Patent Issued

Tech Ventures Reference: IR CU12344

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