This technology is a microfluidic device that generates aptamers for individualized detection of minimal residual disease (MRD).
Minimal residual disease (MRD) is a leading complication of multiple myeloma, in which small amounts of cancerous cells remain after standard chemotherapy, resulting in relapse and often death. However, methods to detect minimal residual disease (MRD) are often invasive or give frequent false negatives. As such, there is a need for a simple, noninvasive method that detects patient-specific biomarkers of minimal residual disease to improve patient outcomes and survival.
This technology generates aptamers for individual patients using an integrated microfluidic device. Patient-specific aptamers against minimal residual disease biomarkers (M-proteins) are produced automatically within the device, which can then be isolated and used after treatment to monitor M-protein levels in blood. As such, this technology therefore enables timely and noninvasive detection of MRD and multiple myeloma relapse. This technology offers a low-cost, precision-medicine approach to multiple myeloma care, potentially leading to a major improvement in clinical outcomes.
A prototype of this technology has been demonstrated to generate aptamers against proteins purified from patient serum that display exceptional target selectivity and sensitivity.
IR CU15020
Licensing Contact: Richard Nguyen