This technology describes customizable clips (V-clips) that can be coupled together to achieve effective, non-invasive repair of heart valves.
Current methods to non-invasively repair heart valves involve the placement of a one-size-fit-all clip that grips the leaflets comprising the valve. However, these clips are limited by their lack of versatility and personalization, which preclude their use in patients with unique or complex valves. Furthermore, existing clips are unable to attach a chordal structure between the clip and the ventricle for further support, and are also limited by difficulties associated with placement of multiple clips. This creates a need for adaptable clips that are customizable in terms of design and placement.
This technology, the V-clip, is a device that is able to grasp a single leaflet, as well as a delivery system, to achieve non-invasive repair of heart valves in a highly personalized manner. The design and placement of the clips can both be customized depending on the specific anatomy of the valve, such as the size, thickness, and quality of the leaflets. If required, the clip can also be further supported by anchoring an artificial chord between the clip and the ventricle. Furthermore, this system contains a locking mechanism to enable coupling of multiple clips with reduced risk of stenosis. Thus, this versatile technology can improve the safety, efficacy, and availability of minimally-invasive heart valve repair.
Vinayak N. Bapat, M.D.
IR CU19133, CU20103
Licensing Contact: Jerry Kokoshka