Columbia Technology Ventures

Probiotics for Fusobacterium-related disease

This technology uses peptides secreted by engineered bacteria to reduce virulence of Fusobacterium nucleatum.

Unmet Need: Reducing virulence of Fusobacterium

Fusobacterium nucleatum (Fn) is a Gram-negative bacteria that has been linked to several diseases such as neurodegenerative diseases, endometriosis and pregnancy complications, gastrointestinal diseases, and several cancers. Fn is found in oral plaques and secretes an adhesion protein that allows for bacterial attachment and virulence. Reducing Fn virulence is an important goal for the treatment and prevention of Fn-related diseases.

The Technology: Probiotic for reducing Fusobacterium colonization

This technology employs genetically engineered bacteria to reduce virulence of Fusobacteria nucleatum (Fn). Fn virulence relies on FadA for attachment and biofilm formation. Engineered E. coli express E-cadherin extracellular domain peptides that disrupt FadA attachment, resulting in decreased Fn attachment and reduced Fn colonization of living cells. The engineered probiotics can thus limit Fn pathogenicity through targeting FadA.

This technology has been validated with human cell lines.


  • Treatment for Fusobacterium nucleatum (Fn)-related diseases
  • Prophylactic against Fn-related diseases
  • Research tool for investigating Fn-related disease pathogenesis
  • Prevention of Fn oral plaques


  • Prevents Fusobacterium nucleatum (Fn) colonization in living cells
  • Reduces virulence of Fn bacteria by reducing cellular attachment of Fn bacteria
  • Uses probiotic technology instead of antibiotics

Lead Inventor:

Yiping W. Han, Ph.D.

Patent Information:

Patent Pending

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