This technology is a probiotic nanoencapsulation system to enhance the efficacy and safety of probiotic administration.
Current methods for delivery of engineered bacteria in therapeutic applications lack efficacy and safety. Rapid clearance of bacteria by the host immune system decreases colonization and subsequent efficacy. On the other hand, insufficient bacterial clearance can cause bacteremia and sepsis. There is a need for a safe and efficient bacterial delivery system.
This technology is a programmable bacterium capable of producing a protective capsule based on signals from external sources that can be used for therapeutic delivery. The probiotic strain E. coli Nissle 1917 was engineered to contain a gene responsible for the production of a polysaccharide capsule to evade the host surveillance system. With active gene control, initial bacteria pharmacokinetics and colonization can be modulated to increase safety and efficacy for cancer therapy.
This technology has been validated in a mouse model of colorectal cancer.
Patent Pending(US20240293474)
IR CU21284
Licensing Contact: Beth Kauderer