This technology is a method for enhancing wireless communications security through the use of entangled qubits for channel assignments.
Current techniques to provide secure, non-colliding channels for the division of available spectrum amongst wireless devices involve periodic “shuffling” of the channel assignment. While this is applicable at a large scale, it allows an adversary to interrupt the communication between devices. Either through random selections of channels to jam or infiltration of the central scheduler, adversaries can breach the security of the channel assignment technology. A more recent alternative is secure multiparty computation (MPC), but its computational demands and communication requirements limit its applicability.
This technology is based on the use of quantum states to randomly assign wireless channels for enhanced security. Through the use of globally entangled qubits, a central scheduler can ensure complete communication privacy. This prevents any adversarial jammers from decoding the channel assignment, even if adversaries have infiltrated the central base station. The technology also allows for the detection of any illegal attempts at measuring the quantum state.
Patent Pending
IR CU24072
Licensing Contact: Greg Maskel