Columbia Technology Ventures

Quantum dot surface treatments for enhancing photoluminescent quantum yield

This technology is a surface treatment process using organofluorine reagents to passivate the surfaces of III-V compound semiconductors, increasing the photoluminescent quantum yield of quantum dots.

Unmet Need: Passivating QD surfaces with non-toxic compounds to increase PLQY

Current method to increase the optoelectronic properties of quantum dots (QDs) involve using toxic compounds containing fluoride, such as hydrofluoric acid or ammonium fluoride to eliminate deep surface traps and remove surface dangling bonds or oxidation layers. Although this method achieves the desired surface properties of QDs, the chemicals involved are very hazardous and life-threatening.

The Technology: Non-toxic and scalable QD surface modification processes for enhancing PLQY

This technology describes methods for treating III-V QDs with organofluorine reagents to increase the photoluminescent quantum yield (PLQY) of QDs. These methods use reagents that are non-toxic, easy to handle, and inexpensive, to sufficiently remove trap states that reduce the PLQY. As such, this technology has the potential to safely increase the effectiveness of III-V quantum dots.


  • Quantum dot surface passivation
  • Quantum computing
  • Single-electron transistors
  • Quantum dot displays
  • Cell tracking
  • Imaging probes


  • Simple and safe platform for quantum dot surface passivation
  • Non-toxic chemicals used
  • Compatible with conventional III-V quantum dots surfaces
  • Cost-effective

Lead Inventor:

Jonathan S. Owen, Ph.D.

Patent Information:

Patent Pending

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