Columbia Technology Ventures

RADPAR-Decision support cockpit for control centers

This technology is an integrated decision support control center system that assists operators during system maintenance and supports situation resolution during emergencies in a utility network.

Unmet Need: Efficient, integrated reporting of system status at control centers

Situational awareness of emergencies in a utility network are often done by defining a problem through multiple detection of anomalies. This information is often contained in multiple applications and is displayed in different formats, each of which must be searched and analyzed by the operator. There is a need for a system that can facilitate the identification of problems in a timely manner and that can support the operator’s analysis and problem resolution.

The Technology: Integrated decision support center for displaying and analyzing events in a utility grid

This technology is a decision support cockpit that gathers and provides prioritized information coming from multiple sources to the operator in a concise and integrated manner. The graphic display of the condensed data facilitates real-time analysis and response to various events within a system. The information is displayed emphasizing crucial events, supporting quick action plan development. Machine learning aspects can also be incorporated to generate predictive risk models for components and systems.


  • Integrated event monitoring and decision support system for utility networks, power plants
  • Situational awareness of emergencies
  • Intelligent utility grids


  • Data integration and concise display facilitates overall situation assessment
  • Prioritized display of information
  • Links are provided for quick access to further information
  • Dynamic information acquisition via automated or manual updates
  • Integration of legacy information for easy retrieval
  • Shortens response time

Lead Inventor:

Roger N. Anderson, Ph.D.

Patent Information:

Patent Status

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