Columbia Technology Ventures

Safe and effective antimicrobial made with essential oils

The technology is a topical broad-spectrum antimicrobial composed of botanical oils for safe and effective use on a variety of surfaces.

Unmet Need: Skin and surface disinfectant with no harsh chemicals

The use of antimicrobial formulations is common in hospital health care, personal care, food and the veterinary industry. However, current antimicrobials are frequently composed of harsh chemicals and are associated with numerous disadvantages, such as causing skin irritation and discomfort, potential toxicities if ingested, and the development of resistance by microbes. Therefore, there is an ongoing search for antimicrobial compositions that are non-irritating, safe, and effective for repeated use in various professional and non-professional settings.

The Technology: Safe and potent topical antimicrobial agent with essential oils

The technology is a topical antimicrobial skin disinfectant composed of essential oils, botanical extracts and synthetic antimicrobial agents. Instead of relying on harsh chemicals, this antimicrobial agent relies on the combination of essential oils and fruit acids, which can offer confer superior antimicrobial properties on a variety of surfaces. As a result, this technology provides an effective and safe alternative way to disinfect items involved in personal care and household products, in addition to locations where children and/or pet exposure may be a concern.

This technology has been validated to have potent antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans without skin/mucous membrane irritation.


  • Oral care products (i.e. mouthwash and toothpaste)
  • Baby care products
  • Skin sanitizers (i.e. gel, soap, foam and cream)
  • Topical creams (i.e. personal and hospital health care products)
  • Pre-Operative and Post-Operative skin disinfectants
  • Wound care products
  • Clinical antiseptics and disinfectants
  • Veterinary antiseptics and disinfectants
  • Surface disinfectant
  • Any derivatives with potential use in personal care, cosmetics and cleaning supplies


  • Reduced skin irritation
  • Increased antimicrobial power over microbes resistant to frequently used compositions
  • Safe enough to use on a variety of surfaces (including those where children and pet exposure may be a concern)

Lead Inventor:

Shanta Modak, Ph.D.

Patent Information:

Patent Pending (US 20170079282)

Patent Issued (US 9,511,040)

Related Publications:

Tech Ventures Reference:

  • IR CU14083, 2371, CU13030, CU13278, CU14244, CU15074, CU15141, CU18267

  • Licensing Contact: Sara Gusik