This technology is a hybrid technique that combines Raman spectroscopy with fluorescence microscopy to achieve high sensitivity and chemical specificity and enables all-far-field single-molecule imaging.
Vibrational-based spectroscopy and microscopy techniques provide detailed chemical information, yet suffer from poor sensitivity due to the intrinsic weakness of vibrational signals. Surface-enhanced and tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy boost signal intensity but rely on strong coupling between the sample and metallic nanostructures. This restricts their usage to near-field applications and limits the utility of Raman-based techniques in chemical and biological applications.
This technology is an all-far-field nonlinear spectroscopy and microscopy technique called stimulated Raman coupled fluorescence (SRCF). SCRF employs electronic pre-resonance stimulated Raman scattering (epr-SRS) to achieve single-molecule sensitivity without relying on coupling to metal nanostructures. The technique is compatible with confocal fluorescence microscopy and uses all far-field excitation and detection. As such, this technology enables sensitive and chemically-specific imaging, which may be useful in a range of chemistry, materials science, biophysics, biophotonics, and biological imaging applications.
Patent Issued (US 12,140,540)
IR CU19260
Licensing Contact: Beth Kauderer