DNA methylation can shed light into the essential regulatory elements that influence genome expression, providing critical insight into biology and disease pathology, particularly for cancer. Methylated DNA immunoprecipitation sequencing (MeDIP-seq) has been used extensively to analyze DNA methylation in cells. Several features of the MeDIP-seq process including DNA sonication, primer ligation, and T/A tailing continue to act as bottlenecks in terms of efficiency and complexity of the process.
This technology uses DNA tagmentation to tagment into smaller fragments, thus improving upon the traditionally used method of shearing DNA using sonication, which can result in DNA loss and requires a sonicator. Due to tagmentation, MeDIP-seq libraries can be generated with a simple PCR step without complicated and inefficient steps such as primer ligation and T/A tailing described in published MeDIP-seq protocols. The method improves efficiency by enabling generation of high-quality MeDIP-seq libraries from 100 ng instead of 1000 ng of genomic DNA in less than two days.
This technology has been validated with liver tumor and normal tissue samples.
Patent Pending
IR CU23112
Licensing Contact: Joan Martinez