Columbia Technology Ventures

Tumor growth inhibitors for the treatment of ovarian and other cancers

The Notch family is a group of evolutionarily conserved proteins (Notch1 - Notch4) that play a role in cell differentiation, patterning, proliferation, and survival. Notch signaling has been implicated in a variety of cancers, including difficult-to-treat ovarian cancer, because of its role in tumor angiogenesis (new blood vessel formation). This technology is a class of Notch protein mimics that act as inhibitors of tumor angiogenesis, as well as methods for using them in the treatment of cancers. They offer an alternative to other currently available angiogenesis inhibitors, such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) inhibitors, as a treatment for preventing tumor growth and metastasis.

Notch fusion proteins inhibit tumor growth and angiogenesis

The Notch fusion proteins provided by this technology are comprised of the extracellular domain of one of the Notch proteins, a peptide, and the Fc portion of a human antibody. They act as competitive inhibitors to block Notch signaling during angiogenesis. Notch signaling occurs downstream of VEGF signaling during angiogenesis, so this technology may offer an alternative treatment for tumors that become resistant to VEGF inhibitors. Notch signaling is also implicated in a range of disease pathologies, and it plays a role in the regulation of blood sugar and insulin levels. This makes these fusion proteins attractive therapeutic candidates for other diseases including metabolic disorders.

The Notch1 fusion proteins described by this technology have been shown to inhibit the growth of human ovarian cancer xenografts and NGP (a human neuroblastoma cell line) xenografts in a murine tumor model.

Lead Inventor:

Jan Kitajewski, Ph.D.


  • Treatment for ovarian cancer
  • Treatment for metabolic disorder
  • Treatment of cancers characterized by up-regulation of Notch signaling
  • Treatment of cancers by restricting blood supply to tumors
  • Research tool for studying Notch signaling


  • Targets multiple cancer advancement pathways including cell growth, differentiation, and tumor angiogenesis
  • Notch signaling is implicated in diverse pathologies
  • Alternative therapy for tumors resistant to VEGF inhibitors

Patent Information:

Patent Pending (US 20110008342)

Patent Pending (WO/2009/025867)

Tech Ventures Reference: IR 2162

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