This technology is a visual aid tool that compiles critical information into a single schematic to help hospitals optimize allocation of resources during times of patient surge.
Unprecedented events such as pandemics, war, and natural disasters may lead to a large influx of patients with intensive care requirements within short periods of time. Considering the resource and staff shortages that hospitals have experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a critical need for a strategy capable of monitoring patient intake and use of vital hospital resources in real-time.
This technology is a visual aid tool that compiles critical information into a single schematic to help hospitals optimize allocation of resources on a day-to-day basis, as well as during times of patient surge. The generated schematic is updated daily, displaying current hospital resources, personnel, and bed availability to increase patient throughput while maintaining patient safety. It considers physical characteristics of the hospital building, such as the location of rooms with negative pressure, and incorporates data from electronic health records along with relevant personnel information to ensure adequate staffing and space allocation.
IR CU20394
Licensing Contact: Joan Martinez