This technology describes a zigzag wall structure that allows for the passive cooling of buildings by radiative cooling in hot environments.
The continued rise of global temperatures necessitates better mechanisms for keeping buildings cool while limiting energy expenditure, especially in hot environments. Passive radiative cooling technologies are ideal because they allow for the transfer of radiation energy from the hot earth to the cool sky without energy consumption. However, current passive radiative cooling technologies require further optimization in order to prevent heat absorption and more efficiently cool buildings.
This technology is a zigzag wall structure that achieves passive radiative cooling of buildings using a combination of commonly used radiative cooling materials and reflective metals. This structure cuts off radiative heat transfer from the hot ground while the reflective metals allow for radiation transfer to the sky, resulting in greater cooling ability. The radiative cooling provided by this technology is further increased at higher temperatures.
Patent Pending
IR CU23065
Licensing Contact: Dovina Qu