Method for improving ongoing workflows interested in studying DNAmethylation. Methylated DNA immunoprecipitation sequencing (MeDIP-seq) has been used extensively to analyze DNAmethylation in cells. The Technology: An efficient, simple, sensitive method to study DNAmethylation.
This technology is two methods, called ssg-MeDIP-Seq and sscf-MeDIP-Seq, for improved tumor detection using detection of DNAmethylation density in genomic DNA, and of hemi-methylated regions in plasma cell-free DNA. The Technology: Tumor detection via DNAmethylation and hemi-methylation biomarkers. This technology detects sDNA methylation density as well as hemi-methylated regions of genomic DNA and plasma cell free (cf) DNA to detect tumors.
Whole Genome Methylation Profiling
In the effort to gain insight into whole genome methylation patterns, their biological functions and their abnormality in human disease, various methylation profiling technologies have been developed. Traditional bisulfite conversion suffers from variability due to incomplete conversion, over-conversion, DNA degradation, and low yield. Previous studies have shown that DNAmethyltransferases can efficiently transfer a wide variety of functional groups to the 5 position of cytosines in DNA by means of synthetic S-Adenosyl L-methionine (AdoMet) analogs in which the methyl group has been replaced.