Columbia Technology Ventures

Rapid DNA extraction and direct-barcoding for efficient nanopore-based DNA sequencing

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This technology is a cavity-separated multi-nanopore device for single-molecule protein sequencing.
Unmet Need: High-throughput and accurate single-molecule protein sequencing.
The Technology: Nanopore-based fluidic single-molecule protein sequencing approach.
This technology is a method for generating single-cell profiles from smaller input volumes, capable of producing multiple readouts, including transcriptomics, T-cell repertoires, spatial sequencing, CNV-sequencing, DNA sequencing, and more.
Enables multimodal analysis: single-cell transcriptomics, T-cell repertoires, spatial sequencing, DNA, SNP, and CNV sequencing.
Unmet Need: Improved single-cell sequencing efficiency and compatibility with frozen tissue.
DNA sequencing through fluorophore-free Raman spectroscopy of nucleotides.
Next generation DNA sequencing methods typically increase throughput and coverage by decreasing the amount of DNA template used per reaction.
Current DNA sequencing methods involve the attachment of fluorophores to each nucleotide and recording of the fluorescence signal that is produced upon excitation.